2 mar 2010

Transportation Service in Cali: MIO

Since month ago we have in our city a new transportation. For some people: The best for others the worse, but what are the real advantages or disadvantages of this change???

I think that this service is an excellent project to improve the city, to get a new face and a presentation according with the world of today, where the technology is what handles the world.

The MIO makes that you can go in a bus for just: 1500 with: comfort, air conditioner and secure, because the drivers are people that respect the rules and they are part of a "new" culture, a culture that we lost long time ago.

Few days ago I thought that the MIO was the worse system of transportation, but, after I assessed my experience, I recognize that, - although the service must improve, because sometimes it is very slow-, the community can be the problem, if it doesn´t worry to get a culture, one that makes us easier the day.

We as the users of the MIO, We must to try of understanding this project, the system can function good if we help it, we have to learn or remember some rules like: make a line to rise on the bus or give the blue chairs for the pregnat women or old persons, and others points, that just look for seeing the people a little more organized.

As I said above, some days the MIO is very slow and it does that you arrive late to the university, office or the place where you go, therefore to improve the service is good idea buy new buses and avoid that people get impatient and get angry. However, we should remember, that this is for us, so of we depend in big part that function well.

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